Tech Team Interviews for YPT’s Seussical

Welcome to YPT’s Seussical Interviews for Tech Team!

Overview Session – Required for Interviewee and Parent if new to YPT Mainstage Tech Teams in addition to an Interview.

Interview – Required for all Interested Applicants.

Overview Sessions for Anyone New to Mainstage Tech Team – Required for Parents and Interviewees: 
Saturday, September 14, 2024  10:30-11:30am
Sunday, September 15, 2024  2:00-3:00pm

Interview Dates and Times:

Saturday, September 14, 2024  11:45am-5:30pm
Sunday, September 15, 2024 3:15-5:30pm

Sign up for Both an Info Session and an Interview on SUG – Signups Start September 3, 2024 at Noon
Overview Session and Interview Appointments Signup Link

First Orientation/Workday:
Tuesday, September 24, 2024  6:00-8:30pm

Audition Ages:
6 – 12th Grade

Audition Location:
YPT Studio
331 Metty Drive, Suites ##2 and ##3 and ##4
Ann Arbor, MI 48103


  • NAME: Please enter the name of the young person auditioning (rather than the parent’s name) when signing up for an appointment.  Also sign Parent up for Overview Session. If you are signing up with your own Sign-Up Genius account, please select the option to display your young person’s name instead of your own.
  • EMAIL ADDRESS: Enter a parent/family email address as the primary email contact. There is a space to add your applicant’s email address if you wish.

Please read carefully to ensure your success in every stage of YPT’s Seussical process!

Prepare and bring 4 packets of the following typed forms, stapled together in the following order.

  1. Tech Team Application Forms Link
  • Fill-in Format: Type the form online, print it, and include a copy of it in each of your 4 audition packets. Feel free to attach resume! Make sure that you fill out each section of the Audition Form carefully.

2. Tech Team Conflict Calendar  Important:

  • Fill-in Format:  Type this form online, print it, and include a copy of it in each of your 4 packets.
  • Be complete, accurate, and thorough on this form. Triple-check that you have included all conflicts.
  • No Need to include Instruction Sheet in your stapled packet.
  • Make and keep a copy for yourself

3. Recent Photo of Yourself (may be a copy). Staple the photo facing the opposite direction as the forms in your application packet, so that when a director flips the packet over, s/he will see your photo.

Additionally, and separate from your stapled packets:1. YPT’s Seussical Policies and Procedures Contract: Fill-in Format.  Type online, print and bring 1 copy signed by parent and applicant.

Bring to Your Interview:

  1. Tech Team Application Packet Forms – 4 Copies
  2. YPT Seussical Policies and Procedures Contract – 1 Signed Copy

Plan to arrive with your forms carefully completed and copied ahead of time.
This expedites the application process for all! Failure to come prepared results in a late and stressful start to your interview.

Check in at Suite #2.


Production Calendar

Performance Dates and Venue:
December 13-15, 2024
Power Center for the Performing Arts
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Questions: Email [email protected]

Thank you!

YPT’s Seussical Auditions/Interviews Team
Audition and Tech Team Interiew Crew Shifts:
Saturday, September 14

Sunday, September 15
SIgn Up Here on SUG: YPT Seussical Audition and Tech Team Interview Crew